Day of Action


  1. Book: Waking Up White by Debby Irving

    Article: 我和其他白人可以采取的对抗种族主义的4个步骤, Christina Marie Noel, June 2, 2020 

    Article: The Double Standard of the American Riot, Kellie Carter Jackson, June 1, 2020

    Video: Slavery to Mass Incarceration, Equal Justice Initiative (5 min) 

  1. Book: 《365betapp下载》 by Michelle Alexander

    Article: Why I’m Scared to March by Matthew J. Harris (‘20), June 3, 2020

    Video: This is America, Childish Gambino,  (4 minutes)

    Online Toolkit: 公共安全的新时代:倡导公平、安全和有效的社区警务的工具包

  1. Article: 对警察杀害黑人妇女缺乏动员起来的愤怒是一种有害的抹杀, Treva Lindsey, June 3, 2020

    Video: 美国的恐怖私刑,平等司法倡议  (5 min) 

    Movie: Just Mercy

    Book Chapter: Necessary Trouble, Sarah Jaffe (excerpt available)  

  1. Article: The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ta-Nehisi Coates, June 2014

    Article: Accomplices Not Allies, Indigenous Action Media

    Article: Performative Allyship is Deadly, Holiday Phillips

    Video: Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers, National LGBTQ Task Force,  (51 minutes) 

Lectio divina led by Chaplain Beatrix Weil


  1. 选诗是一种精神上的练习,你要“读”一首诗, text, art, music, nature, or an interaction four times. The first time, you read just to get your bearings. 第二次,你读来听诗要对你说什么. The third time, you respond. 第四次,你在感恩中休息,感谢你所拥有的经历. 观看视频,用兰斯顿·休斯的诗歌《365亚洲体育》来指导选歌会.
  1. Check out the 治愈种族创伤的“黑人的命也重要”冥想和培养反种族主义心态的“盟友+同谋”冥想 written and recorded by Dr. Candice Nicole, music provided by Richard Maddox. They are 17 minutes long each.

Remote video URL

Dr. 雪莉·特纳读了一段节选自《365亚洲体育》
  1. Check out this post “Caring For Ourselves As Political Warfare” by Adrienne Maree brown and listen to an excerpt.
  1. 反思和记录你生命的最后一周. 当你想出一个可以引导你前进的短语或单词时,对自己有耐心吗. What do you want to keep in mind in the future? 把这句话写在纸条上,然后藏在家里的各个角落. 在你的日历上随机挑选下一年的日子,然后把这个短语作为一个事件输入. In GMail, 你可以多次给自己发邮件,然后“暂停”这封邮件,直到稍后的日期和时间. Find multiple ways to hold yourself accountable.


  1. Write: Who is the top election official in your county? In Shelby County, that's the Administrator of Elections, Linda Phillips, 但是这个人的头衔在你的国家可能是不同的. 问他们你们国家在做什么来防止黑人选票被压制, especially in the areas of absentee ballot measures, voter ID requirements, and the number and location of polling places. 解释为什么这个问题对你很重要,以及你希望看到发生什么. Writing campaigns are more impactful in bulk. 邀请当地的朋友给同一个人发邮件,表达类似的担忧.

    Commit:登记投票,并让另外10个人登记投票. One organization doing this work in Memphis is UpTheVote901. 更进一步,承诺在投票站做志愿者.  

    Donate你所在社区的人正在帮助人们登记投票? Donate to them. 

    Comment on Rhodes social posts to say which action you took! 

  1. Write写信给你成长的学校的校长. 问问他们是怎么教内战和美国历史的. 难道一年中只有在二月才教授黑人的贡献吗? 鼓励校长考虑一个包容性的课程.

    Commit:在社交媒体上寻找并关注黑人艺术家、作家和评论员. 牧师比阿特丽克斯跟随《365betapp下载》和《365亚洲体育》孟菲斯章. Comment with the voices that you recommend.


  1. Write给你的州议员发邮件,要求他们终止现金保释. 解释为什么这个问题对你很重要,以及你希望看到发生什么. Writing campaigns are more impactful in bulk. 邀请当地的朋友给同一个人发邮件,表达类似的担忧. 

    Commit法院观察员观察并报告法庭上刑事司法行为者的公正性. 研究一下如何在你所在的县志愿做法庭观察员. 在孟菲斯市做这项工作的一个组织是Just City. 

    Donate当前位置大多数州都有一种叫做“现金保释”的制度,被告需要支付现金才能在审判前被释放. If they cannot pay, they remain detained. 你所在社区有谁设立了现金保释基金? Donate to them. Some can be found in this Google doc.

  1. Write:你们当地的警察部门是如何应对本周和过去的抗议活动的? 他们是在缓和冲突还是在加剧冲突? 如果过去两周对抗议活动有任何不成比例的军事反应,请给当地警察局长发邮件或打电话要求改革. 从他们的网站上能清楚地看到警察是如何接受非致命武力和缓和冲突的训练的吗? 如果没有,就发邮件或打电话要求改革和提高透明度. 解释为什么这个问题对你很重要,以及你希望看到发生什么. Writing campaigns are more impactful in bulk. 邀请当地的朋友给同一个人发邮件,表达类似的担忧. 

    Commit: Attend a protest in your area. Look for Black leaders and follow their lead. 用你最好的判断来保证安全,并按照你的价值观行事. 

    Donate在你当地的社区里谁在为民权案件提供免费的法律服务? 你所在的社区里有谁在为被冤枉的人提供免费的法律服务? Donate to them. 

Other Resources

365betapp下载学院的全体教员共同编写, staff, students, alumni, and community members.


  • Cut Dead But Still Alive by Greg Ellison
  • Citizen by Claudia Rankin
  • West Indian Immigrants: A Black Success Story? by Suzanne Model
  • The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, 以及哈利勒·纪伯伦·穆罕默德的《365betapp下载》
  • Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, 以及多萝西·罗伯茨的《365betapp下载》
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
  • The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  • 马尔科姆·艾克斯和亚历克斯·哈利的《365betapp下载》
  • 《365betapp下载》作者:亚当·霍克希尔德
  • Stamped From the Beginning by Dr. Ibram X Kendi
  • White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo
  • Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad
  • The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
  • I'm Still Here by Austin Channing Brown
  • Tears We Cannot Stop by Michael Eric Dyson
  • The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
  • How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
  • Necessary Trouble by Sarah Jaffe